• The focal point of the memorial is 2 larger than life Bronze Sculptures of a German Shepherd and Labrador Retriever, two of the most commonly used breeds.
  • The Bronze Sculptures sit atop a 3 foot high, 6 foot by 6 foot granite pedestal.
  • The front of the granite pedestal is engraved with a dedication to all War Dogs and their Handlers that have and continue to valiantly serve.
  • Three sides of the granite pedestal are engraved with the history of War Dogs in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and the Global War On Terror.

German Shepherd and Labrador Retriever are the focal point of the memorial. (click image for larger view of rendering)

  • Engraved Bricks line the perimeter of the walkway.
  • Two granite benches at the front entrance of the memorial provide visitorsa place to sit and reflect on the service and sacrifice of these noble warriors.
An overhead view of the location of the War Dog Memorial in the
Memorial Park - Ring Of Honor in Colorado Springs, CO.
Below are the most recent photos showing the fine detail of the sculptures and granite.

Click the thumbnails to view larger images

Read more about the artist, Austin Weishel, by clicking HERE